Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week after Thanksgiving

Sooooo I ate as much as I could on Thanksgiving but it was not the holiday I planned.  I wanted to vacuum up my plate of food but my stupid mouth wouldn't allow me to.  All of the meds/drugs I was on made my mouth extremely dry and therefore incredibly sensitive.  I couldn't fully enjoy any of the fantastic (not spicy in the least bit) food my mom had made.  It kinda sucked being stuck at a table covered in delicious food and all I could do was nibble and swish with water.  Cancer makes everything SUCK!

Another reason why I couldn't enjoy my wonderful Thanksgiving meal was because I was completely filled with tiny plastic capsules.
Yes, Stupid Plastic Capsules!
Soooo, some of my meds, of course the meds that I have to take 120 of, come in small capsules.  They are suppose to dissolve in my stomach but Guess What...They didn't AT ALL!  And do you know, how I know, that they didn't dissolve.  That's easy.  I saw all the capsules when I threw up everyday!

It was soooo upsetting.  My mom was seriously disturbed to see a huge chunk of plastic come back up my throat.  The graphics are more than necessary.  This was my life for about a week.  I couldn't enjoy ANY FOOD

Thank God that has now passed.  To keep my sanity and ability to eat, my mom was smart enough to think about pouring the contents of the capsules out and mixing them in stuff.  The cyclosporin doesn't taste completely disgusting mixed with chocolate pudding but I came upon this conclusion after many more pukes.  The MMF still taste disgusting in everything.  No matter what I put it with, it leaves a delightful powdery mediciny aftertaste all over my tongue.  But I get done with my meds hours quicker now.  
  How wonderful is that!

Appreciating little things like that make this journey a little better everyday.  Truly, getting to go to bed in my room every night helps me get closer and closer to day 100.

Until Next Time, BMT Babe is Out**

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