Tuesday, October 20, 2015

World Traveler is Right!!

Soooo after the last post, I was getting ready to leave the country for the very first time as a 21 year old (27 month old) bone marrow transplant survivor! Well guess where I am now...! I am working at a travel company as a 24 year old (5 year old!!!) bone marrow transplant survivor who has been to London, England; Athens, Greece; Florence, Rome, Venice, Italy; Beijing, Shanghai, Wuzhen, Hangzhou, CHINA!; and San Jose, Puntarenas, Monteverde, Costa Rica! I like my list a lot!!!

I seriously cannot believe that 5 years ago I was fighting cancer!  None of it seems real.  I am soooo happy with life.  Even when I'm scared and confused and don't like #Adulting at all--I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to adult.

To just check in:

  • I'm still in love with the brilliant Chinese boy
  • I'm looking forward to a future with him
  • I dance professionally with Denver Dance Company/The BEST group of people ever
  • I'm growing my hair back out
  • Our turtles are doing well
That's really it!  My life is life and I like it that way!

Until Next Time, BMT Babe out**

Here's my China blog if you are interested in my adventure! http://kenzinchina.tumblr.com/ 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Remember Me?

I KNOWWW!!!  I've been gone for sooo long.  I apologize for that.  I got so caught up with school and love and sleep.  Yes, I said I was busy with all of those things again.  I'm not even sure what number day this is anymore.  I do know that It has been 27 months TODAY!  Wow time actually went by really fast.  Suck it cancer, I barely even remember you!

Sooo, what have I been up to for the last 27th months you ask well I have been busy with being a junior at Colorado College, declaring my major and padding my resume with awesomeness lol.  I've also been falling in love with a brilliant man from China and been being best friends with a fellow "sick kid" from India.  I have been having a great time being alive, that's what I've been doing.

I was reading back over some of my old posts and I remember how scared I was writing them.  I was so scared that my life would never be "normal" or anything close to it.  I thought I would never be able to connect with someone after all of this.  I thought that I would never be as lively as I was before.  Never be as me again....I was wrong!  I have returned to my old self just better and more adventurous I may say.

I went kayaking with fellow cancer survivors this summer.  One of the best experiences of my life and also one of the most unexpected.  I jumped back into life and school with both feet.  And now to add to my goal of living life to the fullest (And also checking something off of my life list)  I will be going to Europe at the end of this month!!!  And for how long?  4 months=2 London & 2 Florence Yes! Italy! Where my nice new bone marrow is from. Hopefully once I get there everything will kick in and I will be fluent in the language.

I am beyond excited while also being terrified.  But this is the feeling I got before kayaking.  Something completely foreign (no pun intended) to me that still catches my imagination and runs with it.  I have dedicated a separate blog for my European adventure
europeankenzi529.tumblr.com  [sorry blogspot, its kinda adorable]

Please check it out and see how Europe is after a bone marrow transplant.  I will keep this blog going to share about life as a bmt survivor while also being a world traveler ;)

Until Next Time, BMT Babe is Out**

Friday, June 1, 2012

FU Cancer, I'm 21!

Soooo hello again! I am writing right now as a newly 21 year old. Isn't that AWESOME! Yeah, I know. I have had cancer twice before this day finally came.  That is some shit to think about isn't it?  

I wasn't even able to drink when I really could've used some booze lol. Speaking of booze, I had my first legal drink on Tuesday. It was a sex on the beach and it was delicious! Yes, I am a girly drinker that wants something sweet and fruity.  I was just so happy to be out with my boyfriend and friends, they made my day even better.

I ended up crying a little because I was just so happy to be alive.  My 19th birthday sucked because i was diagnosed with cancer less than a month later. Then my 20th birthday sucked because my friends all baled on me. Like literally, I went to all of their birthdays weeks earlier and on my B-Day no one had any money to come out to spend it with me. I told them about my "party" a long before time too. But then I saw what kind of "friends" I had.
And now I have much much better ones!!!

Until Next Time, BMT Babe is Out**

Thursday, March 8, 2012

17 months=2012!!!

I know it has been forever! But you can't blame a girl for living after almost dying twice.  Soooo happy with life right now!  I'll fill you in on all the awesomeness you guys have missed.

Sooo I am back at school.  I have been living it up.  Making up for lost times and all.  It has been weird coming back after being gone for so long.  That is kinda an issue.  For the entire first semester I felt like I was brand new again.  I didn't know any of the sophomores that were freshmen when I was gone.  I didn't know any of the new freshmen because neither of us had ever seen each other before.  So while I was trying to meet all the sophomores I also had to introduce myself to the freshmen.  And don't even get me started on what my "year" is...

I honestly had a big problem with that.  I HATE the fact that I am suppose to be a junior.  It is something that bothers me that really truly shouldn't.  I'm not dead right!? That's the important thing.  Not whether or not I'm reppin' '13 or '14.  There are some dumb things that even after facing cancer twice I still care about.  It makes no sense so I'm trying to get over it.  But it is honestly taking a good deal of effort.

You know what also takes effort, connecting with people my age.  I guess due to all my wisdom gained through cancer I am really like 108 years old.  People just don't get me and I don't really get them.  I have tried to re-socialize and join clubs and things but nothing seems to work.  Even the clubs I'm in now, there is no connection to the people I work with.  They all call and talk to each other on the weekends and get their nails done together while I am off meditating or just being me.  I use to be sad about the fact that they didn't want to hang out with me but I understand.  I'm just not into the same things. I am not on the same level.  I'm not even their same age mentally.  It does suck a little being a lone wolf but you know what, whatever.  I'm pretty sure if someone asked me beforehand if I would rather die and have friends and a graduation year of 2013 or survive and be on my own planet with plans for the future...I think I would have chosen wisely.

I love who I am and what I do with my life.  I am happy and that is what matters!  I do not fit into any bubble but I have come to terms with that.  Yay for individuality! Don't worry, I'm not singling anybody out.  These are just my thoughts and how I am dealing with life after death after life after death the first time.

I must admit though. I do connect with some people.  I guess that makes those connections even more meaningful and amazing. People are no longer just simple acquaintances.  When I connect with someone it is like a meeting of souls.  This is how relationships should be.  I want to thank all the people whose souls connect with mine continue my happiness.  <3

Until Next Time, BMT Babe is Out** 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Well hello again

I know it's been forever since I wrote. Sorry. Busy living life, making speeches and change the world.  You know, the same routine!  Anyway I have come to sooo many new conclusions about myself.  I couldn't deny it anymore, I had to write.

First I love to talk!  I know to anyone that's met me, this is not anything new.  But this time I realized I love to talk to stadiums full of people (or just gym fulls whatever).  I am doing everything in my power to make sure this whole motivational speaker thing sticks.  I have already locked down a couple more gigs for Relay for Life and Bags of Fun.  I am beyond excited to be able to give my experience voice and inspire others going through the same things.  It is a wonderful wonderful feeling to know that lil' ol' me can have powerful words of wisdom!

Next, I am actually friendlier than I remember.  Again, well hopefully, the people that know me will not be surprised by this.  I love making and having friends.  I'm a big fan of hanging out with people and I'm always there for the people I care about.  That is really really important to me.  I want everyone I know to know that I love them.  Even if the feelings aren't reciprocated.  You are my friend for a reason :)
It's funny because the first couple months after BMT I didn't want to be around anyone!!!  One because they could get me sick and two because I didn't really want people seeing me all gross.  My doctor told me all the time that if I wanted to hang out with people I would have to make sure they weren't sick and no one in their house was sick and their boyfriend or girlfriend wasn't sick either.  And I would always respond with "Dr.Q, you don't have to worry.  I'm not going to be around people...I don't like people.  I'm pretty antisocial."  I never understood why he didn't believe me.  It didn't hit me until one day I was walking through the hospital saying hi and chit chatting to almost everyone I saw.  And I don't just mean on the onc floor where my nurses were.  The whole hospital.  Everyone from the secretaries to the kitchen and cleaning staff to the other parents knew me.  "I guess I am pretty friendly" I thought!  I am so happy I have learned this about myself and have accepted it.  My heart is so big.  I guess that's why I cry sooo much.

Oh, I've accepted that too.  I do cry a lot.  It is just in my nature I suppose.  But why should I feel bad about it.  Society tells me it makes me seem weak, well I tell society it makes them look like a holes!  I am perfectly content with my amount of tears most of the time.  Commercials with a little boy saluting his father coming back from war are suppose to make you cry.  I just know I can't wear very much eye makeup.

Lastly, I have realized that I LOVE love.  I kinda always knew I was a big sap softy romantic but I now know just how much.  I like being in love even when its with myself.  Actually, especially when it's with myself!!!  I am focusing my attention on loving me soooo good lol.  For some reason it's harder than I ever thought it would be.  I just don't think I'm use to it.  I am always a significant other.  Now that I'm THE significant one, I'm a bit lost.  I mean I know how to treat myself well.  I always have.  But its just such a different vibe I'm getting and putting off now.  I'm looking forward to every opportunity love puts in my path.  Not just romantic love but friend and family and any other type.  Again, I love loving.

People I have come to love pretty much immediately are other PWCs (People with cancer).  It is something crazy about this connection we share.  We trust each other because we know that the other person gets it.  We wear our hearts out because our walls are lowered.  We tell each other our desires and fears and secrets because they are similarly something we all want to allow someone to know. 
I have always been the strong one.  I am the shoulder that others cry and lean on.  If I placed my tears or true pain on their shoulders, they break.  This isn't just an assumption.  I've watched it happen several times.  I have never felt so vulnerable and open as I do now.  My PWC friends allow me to be this way for the first time without the fear of scaring them away.  I'm allowed to cry on their shoulders and them on mine.  And we all stay standing in the end.  I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.  I know that this is the Loving I love.  This is the kind of friendship, family and especially romantic love I long for.  There is nothing like the connection two people who have gone through cancer have.  I want to reveal my soul to this person and give all that I have to him. 

But until that day of cosmic soul connecting love I will be doing me!  Enjoying every single day I was granted to grace this earth (especially after the end of the world a couple days ago lol).  Savoring every bite of life and all of the wonderful flavors in it!  Connecting with people on so many different levels every chance I get.  And of course, Living Loving and Laughing!

Until Next Time, BMT Babe is Out**

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Been gone for a minute now I'm back again

HELLO!!!!!  I am at the 6 month mark!  I'm sooooo happy to be here.  It almost makes the rest feel like some weird surreal dream.  Trust me though, it wasn't an easy process getting here.  But every second was worth it!

Since the last time I wrote, I returned to the hospital twice because of stupid freakin shingles!  They SUCK.  Just trust me if you've never had them.  Well, while in the hospital I had to have IV meds and my veins SUCK.  They stabbed me 8 times with a needle one night and none of them worked.  The other two that were already in got infiltrated.  Meaning, they got swollen and painful!  So now I have a little port in my bicep...just in case anything happens again.  Now, I'll probably be fine and never use it lol.  I like it in my arm cause it just kinda disappears since it's actually under the skin.  I mean I still have a bunch of scars and stitches but I'm cool with that. 

That's why I'm already looking for my third tattoo when I haven't gotten my second done.  I have to wait a year or more before I can get a new tat.  I am becoming more and more punk with my scars and tattoos and style.  I think I'm more pissed about this cancer ordeal then I was the first time so it matches my personality.  I am an Afro-Punk and I am proud!

I am also a survivor and motivational speaker!  This is why I get the honor of being Colorado College's Relay for Life survivor speaker!!!!  I'm sooooo excited.  This is exactly what I want to do with my new found wisdom-share it!  I also love to get other's wisdom.  I can not tell you how awesome it is to talk to fellow survivors!  People who get it.  Being another survivor is a timeless bound to have with someone.  Another reason why I would love to find a 20 year old guy that would totally and utterly get it too. :)

I am still keeping myself busy with sign, drums and friends.  I realize I have more people around then I thought.  Yay!  Still living every moment like it's my last, even though I'm pretty sure with all this brand new Italian bone marrow it won't be!

Until Next Time, BMT Babe is Out**

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Broviac is Out!!!

If you are unaware of what a broviac is, you should google it. 
My definition for it however is a really obnoxious cord that dangles down your chest making it hard to sleep (especially on your stomach), wear cute scoop or v-neck shirts, and not feel like a machine/man hybrid.  In addition to a lot of the surface issues with a broviac, the upkeep is uber important so you don't get sick from the thing they "installed" in you to get you unsick in the first place.  Everyday you have to change the dressing.  This involves prepping alcohol and sterile water and swabbing a tube that is sticking out of your body.  Yeah, it's really pretty.  Also, everyday you must remember to "flush" your lines. So again you must set aside time to prep saline, syringes, heparin and caps.  I was lucky enough to have a double lumen broviac so I did all this twice.  Anyway....now it is gone and I am beyond happy!

Soooo, that was just my intro.  Today is day +135!!!  I feel absolutely wonderful.  I did kick some of my bad habits from the last entry but I also kicked Kris Carr's book.  She is extremely radical in her feelings of what is suppose to be good for you.  The straw that broke my back was her demonizing non organic lotions and things.  Quote, "If you wouldn't drink it, why should you put it on your skin to be absorbed."  Well honey, I wouldn't drink Chemo.  I really doubt anyone would ever ask for it on ice.  But I would never tell Quinones that I didn't want the treatment because it isn't organic! So she is out of my world for a while.  I realize why I loved her first book.  She wasn't preachy as hell.  She was just sharing a story that she went through that I could also relate too.  Now, she thinks she knows how to prevent cancer through vegetable consumption.  Whatever...but I do enjoy an occasional "green juice."  It doesn't sound all that appetizing but it really does give you green, earthy energy.  Never thought kale, celery, cucumber, and pear would be so good. Especially all together...

I am getting back in the swing of things though.  I am being an awesome home helper.  The same thing I was so devastated about before around day +40.  It does come back.  I have enough energy to put dishes away, clean mirrors and organize shelves just because I want to help.  The feeling of uselessness is extremely hard to deal with.  I'm glad that part is over (knock on wood). 

I'm able to work out like I use to and contribute to things going on around me.  I have come up with a whole work-out schedule that I am super happy with.  I do everything from dance cardio to target training to yoga and piloxing.  Oh, what is piloxing you ask?  Only one of the greatest workout combo's ever.  It's pilates and kickboxing and it is a serious workout.  It incorporates lengthening dance stretches that I love and gets my heart rate up enough to break a sweat.  Yay for movement! I'm also working with Relay for Life, The Arts Council at Children's Hospital and now the Dress to the Nines event.  It is an organization that takes and gives formal dresses to underprivileged women and the proceeds go to CANCER RESEARCH!  You know I am a fan of that!

So now my days are full of good vibes, good food, and good exercise.  I am happy to be getting closer and closer to original Mackenzi.  Well, I guess not original.  I've been through too much stuff to be fully back to factory settings but I like it that way.  The person I am now is a wonderful (Itailian) variation of strength and courage that I wouldn't change for anything.